Florentine Cookies!
Today is April fools day, but these crunchy caramelized cookies are no joke! They are dangerously thin and crispy! You can dip them in chocolate or sandwich two together with nutella if you are feeling extra decedent, but I just like to eat them straight up…by the dozen!
Crispy Florentine Cookies
Florentine Cookies
Yield 15-24 depending on your shaping skills
Preheat your oven to 350*F
1/4 cup Butter
1/3 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Nuts, finely chopped (you can also add some dried fruit) - I used slice almonds, cashews and a little bit of dried cranberries
pinch of Salt
1 Tablespoon Corn Syrup
1/2 teaspoon Grand Marnier (optional)
In a pot heat together the butter, brown sugar, corn syrup and salt until its all melted and combined, takes about 1-2 minutes.
Stir in nuts and Grand Marnier.
Let cool until it thickens and is cold enough to handle - 5-10 minutes.
with a teaspoon place about 6 scoops of batter on a silat or parchment lined tray. Keep them at least 3” apart as these babies spread a lot! If you are planning to shape them, you might want to start with 2 or 3 on a tray until you get a feel for it.
Place your tray in the oven and bake for 5-10 minutes, the batter should bubble, spread and turn golden brown, then it’s ready. Mine took 7 minutes.
If you want them to be circles then these babies are ready to go straight out of the oven. If you want to shape them like I did, into little cannoli shaped tubes, you will keep touching the edges of your cookies when they come out of the oven, using a offset spatula or a knife, something thin that will be able to slip under the cookie, until the cookie hardens just enough to lift off the tray, then while warm, wrap it around the handle of a wooden spoon. Hold it there for a few seconds and it should cool enough to slip off and you have a fun tube shape!
Once you shaped all the cookies on your tray you will reload it with more batter and bake the next tray. If you want to shape them I would recommend only doing one tray at a time as you have to work very fast. Don’t worry if some break, it is going to happen, they are very breakable, but still super yummy!
Now you get to eat them or you can dip them in chocolate which is equally as yummy!